Make Fear Your Friend

Here are some very specific things that you can do to make fear the friend that you consistently court, rather than the foe that you chronically avoid:

1.When things look bleak don’t deny reality, accept it and begin to develop some options. Write them down and take action to change things rather than waiting for them to get better.

2.Don’t allow yourself to be forced into change. Make the decision to bring about change BEFORE you are swept-up in the maelstrom…

3.Find someone that you can mentor. Taking this leadership role with even just one person will allow you to see the power of fear and change in another person. In the end, this will make it much easier for you to cope with fear and embrace change.

4.Look for situations where others are positively dealing with fear and change. Give them the recognition they deserve for coping with their changing environment. This will reinforce your own values.

5.Change the way you celebrate achievements. Typically, we set goals, we work hard at achieving them, we reach them and we celebrate. We are content and satisfied with a job well done. Hopefully when the party’s over we set new goals and the cycle starts all over again. But shouldn’t we be setting new goals BEFORE we pop the cork on the Champaign?

6.Be an evangelist for your company, product or service. Ask yourself, how YOU change peoples lives for the better. Focus on this. NOT features and benefits.

7.Be a catalyst for change with everyone that you meet. Look for ways that you can help them to cope with the fear and change in their lives.

8.Don’t try to eliminate all stress in your life. Like my old boss, Sue Schneider used to say, “Stress is good, DISTRESS is bad.” If we try to completely eliminate stress and fear in our lives we will be sadly disappointed. On the other hand if we find ways of coping with stress and fear, we will amass for ourselves resources of great value.

9.Be the first. Decide from this day forward that YOU will be the first to initiate change in your organization and even at home.

You will lead and inspire.

You will give compliments and provide recognition.

You will thank your clients and vendors.

You will lend a hand to help fellow workers.

You will seek prospects whose businesses and lives can be improved by your company, product or service.

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