Mission Clueless

Merely hanging your mission
statement in the lobby or putting it on the back of business cards will not
ensure that your people are “living it.”  Simply doing this demonstrates that leaders
are clueless to the real mission – “making believers of their people!”  Certainly articulating the company’s mission
and specific goals is important but it is even more critical to incite genuine
belief, a deep faith and a burning desire among your team to live-out those
plans on a daily basis. This cannot be accomplished with mere words. It must be
demonstrated by the leaders in the firm with shoulder-to-shoulder unity. When
team members experience this they will then believe that the mission is real…
that the leaders themselves are living this out even under difficult
circumstances.  Don’t be clueless; make
your company’s mission-possible! Providing your people with the skills they
need is the only way to achieve your vision.

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